The Gelbvieh (pronounced Gelpfee) breed is one of the oldest German cattle breeds, first found mainly in three Franconian districts of Bavaria. Starting in 1850, systematic breeding work began in stud herds. By pure breeding, the “red yellow Franconian cattle” were developed from several local strains, including Celtic German Landrace and Heli Brown Landrace cattle. These local strains have been further improved with intensive breeding work since 1870.This solid colored breed of red yellow cattle enjoyed great popularity as milk, draft and slaughter cattle.
In the 1960s, Red Danish cattle were introduced to the herd book to improve milk production. Leness Hall, then director of International Marketing for Carnation Genetics, first saw Gelbvieh cattle in 1969. He worked towards importing Gelbvieh semen into the United States and was able to get 43,000 units imported into the States in 1971. Gelbvieh cattle came to Canada in 1972.
Gelbvieh cattle offer a unique production package. Gelbvieh are one of the few breeds combining maternal traits with performance and carcass merit. Gelbvieh calves are widely recognized for excellence in growth, muscling and marketability, while Gelbvieh females are known for milking ability, fertility and quiet temperament.
About the CGA
The Canadian Gelbvieh Association (CGA) is a not for profit association incorporated in 1972 under the Animal Pedigree Act and represents members from across Canada for the purpose of registering and recording the pedigrees of Gelbvieh and Gelbvieh influenced cattle and promoting the breed across Canada. The affairs of the Association are directed by seven board members from across Canada, who are elected by ballot at the Annual General Meeting.
Chief Executive Officer, Sarah Van Schothorst
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8 am to 3 pm
RR 1
Blackie, AB T0L 0J0
Ph: 403-250-8640
Fax: 403-291-5624
E-Mail: gelbvieh@gelbvieh.ca
Contact the Gelbvieh Guide
Sarah Van Schothorst
From Deerfoot Trail, go east on McKnight Blvd NE
Turn north (left) onto Aviation Blvd NE
Turn west (left) onto 49th Avenue
Continue on to Skyline Way NE
Eddie Marsman, President
Ph: 403-588-1400
Duncan Pearson, Vice President
Ph: 780-220-5730
Bev Milne
Ph: 780-835-2645
Olivia Koziak, President & Junior Incentive
Email: koziaklandandcattle@gmail.com
Malory Parrish, Treasurer & 4H Awards
Email: gelbviehassocabbc4h@gmail.com
Amber Paulencu, Secretary
Email: gelbviehassocabbc@gmail.com
Man-Sask Gelbvieh Assoc
Ian Thackeray, President
Cynthia Wirgau, Secretary
Email: maplegrovegelbvieh@gmail.com